hmmm as I've put in before also i blve in Fairytales you should too.. But sometimes my blve also gets troubled just like anybodies on their ethics n their beliefs . Life is very funny sometimes what u think is going to happen next moment and trust me you're prepared but suddenly smething totally difffrent youre blwen out and you just dont kknow what to do where to go how to manage it . You start thinking . what just happened,the beautiful valleys disappear and everything goes blank . How do you ahdle these things. Funny isnt it ?
But then probably thats life one can say lot of things but one has to blve in it to really make it a success. Sometimes you lose trust on what you blve ,I have its at this point that you need that person to tell you that you are not wrong and you can do it. Its here that those who are called your loved ones come to rescue. But how many times are you able to tell them how you feel that you need their support . Frankly I have never managed to do that ,Never!!!!!
Now the Question arises whose responsibility is it ? . NO one can categorise that but its the responsibilty of both sides . BOth of them should be able to understand each other. In todays time when everyone is so busy in there own space their own small life that they forget to notice that the other one is waiting for you to notice , Notice that PAIN, The TEARs Of pain , waiting for that word of encourgement, That HUG, That smile which says Iam there for you . Its funny that e alwys presume that we are there ,One forgets to just say it. Sometimes its what you say does it all. AS SOME ONE VERY DEAR says "Action speaks louder than words" then atleast do those actions.
But then probably thats life one can say lot of things but one has to blve in it to really make it a success. Sometimes you lose trust on what you blve ,I have its at this point that you need that person to tell you that you are not wrong and you can do it. Its here that those who are called your loved ones come to rescue. But how many times are you able to tell them how you feel that you need their support . Frankly I have never managed to do that ,Never!!!!!
Now the Question arises whose responsibility is it ? . NO one can categorise that but its the responsibilty of both sides . BOth of them should be able to understand each other. In todays time when everyone is so busy in there own space their own small life that they forget to notice that the other one is waiting for you to notice , Notice that PAIN, The TEARs Of pain , waiting for that word of encourgement, That HUG, That smile which says Iam there for you . Its funny that e alwys presume that we are there ,One forgets to just say it. Sometimes its what you say does it all. AS SOME ONE VERY DEAR says "Action speaks louder than words" then atleast do those actions.