Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Magic Of Lights - The Sunset

A magical experience 

As I sit quietly and stare into the horizon, the sky starts to change colours. The rush in the water starts to slow down. The urgency that was there all day now is fading away. The dragonfly skips in the water creating ripples. A butterfly is flying around looking for her friend, a crimson flower. Slowly the heat is replaced by a soft balmy wind that ruffles my hair. There is a lilting melody playing somewhere far away. The sun and sky start their beautiful dance, as the former slowly dims its rays and paints the horizon a bright shade of crimson. The sky kicks off its heels to create beautiful patterns in the sky. The clouds act as props to create patterns. The blue sky is now slowly turning orange and then pink and now there is peach colour flowing from the sun. The clouds keep flying here and there as if to decide if they want to stay with the blue sky or the orange sun. Relaxed stokes of purple are now creating a masterpiece. 

As I watch this magic happen, I realize it’s been almost two years that I’ve not seen a sunset. There was always something more important than taking a moment to feel this beautiful picture that nature creates every day. Take a moment breathe in this beauty and feel the calmness around…


Anwesha Bhattacharjee said...


Hatikvah said...


vinita bhattacharjee said...

Thank you baby

vinita bhattacharjee said...

Thanks B

Unknown said...

Amazing. So beautiful

Unknown said...

Fluidly beautiful, paints colours in my mind as I read it..... peacefulness is what I felt ❣️

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully penned

Anonymous said...

Beautifully penned...!